Thursday, November 26, 2009

Sinner's Airway Flight 36...

Have you ever felt like your life was in a holding pattern? Circling the airport, waiting to land?

That's how I'm feeling lately. I can't say things are bad, and honestly, they're really not. As far as things go, they've been pretty on the level. A bit frustrating on some levels, but that's all part of the journey isn't it? I've kept this rickety plane in the air for the past 36 years and I don't intend to let it fall out of the sky...yet, or ever if I can help it.

My world has an interesting dichotomy at this point. Not unwelcome, but at the same time, generates a fair amount of stress, which apparently I thrive on for some reason. Or I just have wide enough shoulders to carry it all. I'm not really sure what makes me go lately, other than coffee. I'd like to say love and affection, which thankfully, hasn't dried up.

I've been having moments where my frustration boils over and all I can do is sit there with tears streaming down my cheeks. Sometimes it has a focus or a reason, but other times it's just the product of the emotional wellspring flooding over. Everything feels a little disjointed, like my thoughts...

I've been writing music lately. And not just chunks of stuff. We're talking music and lyrics. And I've started writing poetry again. Apparently I found my muse again and is flooding me with all sorts of love. Either that or I just need an outlet for all these emotions and music and poetry is just a natural one for me.

I'm running out of things to say, other than these last few final thoughts for certain people:

I'm not going anywhere, I am for real, and your feelings are not only important to me, they are precious to me.


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