Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A watched bebe never hatches?

Third time in 4 days that we've been at Sparrow with hopes that little man will finally make an appearance. All I can say is stubborn baby is stubborn.

At least the waiting room is somewhat comfortable. One lesson I've learned of late is to bring a book. I'm certainly not wanting to be in the room. Been there, done that. Seen the process.

I guess the events of the past few days have really cemented something for me. I love my family, as messed up and chaotic as it is sometimes. We really do put the fun in dysfunctional. And that's not a joke either, well, we think it's funny. But I wouldn't trade them for the world.

My wonderful love posted a blog the other night that really hit me good. I was sitting at my desk, tears streaming down my cheeks. Not unhappy tears, but just ones from the flood of emotions that I've been going through lately. Between work and home, my stress levels should be pretty crippling, but again I go back to how much I love my family. Even in the midst of all the bickering from the teenagers and barking of the doogs, it just seems right.

This whole ordeal will be over soon and a new life will be brought into this world. Lessons will have hopefully have been learned, and I think my love and I are much stronger people both personally and as a couple.

I guess I need to at least try to deal with the facts here. At 36, I'm going to be a grandfather. He will not be with us, but we will get the chance to see him grow up. The couple that is adopting Collin are two of the most wonderful and kind people that I've had opportunity to meet and get to know. I cannot be happier for them and for him. The past few months have been bittersweet for me. To see the innocence of your children stripped away like that is very rough. And I've come to accept what happened, and I try to remember each day that out of our pain, joy is flowering.

I think that's about enough, 3 posts in one day. Ugh. Apparently I've got things on my mind that want to escape. Such is life.

Until next time, sinners.

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