Sunday, December 6, 2009

What an incredible birthday weekend!

I was going to write a blow by blow of what happened on this, which has to be the best birthday weekend that I've had in many, many years, but instead I just want to reflect on my life, the 37 years that I've lived so far.

In spite of my deep and ingrown cynicism, I have to say that I am truly blessed with a group of caring, fun and wonderful friends. Even the crazy Russian who kept supplying pickle shots. All I will say on the matter is beware a Russian with a tray of vodka shots and pickles.

Friday's nights events will not soon fade from my memories and I thank everyone who came out and made that a fun and crazy night from the bottom of my heart.

Last night, I finally got to see a band I grew up listening to and got to road trip to Detroit yet once again with friends who've made that trip many, many times in the past. Detroit punk rock shows never change and after the first two bands, the night got a lot better, culminating with DRI taking the stage and completely rocking my fucking socks off for the better part of two hours.

Tonight, I ended my weekend with dinner at my parents, cabbage rolls (yum! Thanks Mom!) and birthday cake with my family.

I have much more to say in reflection, but I'll save that for another post. Oh, and to top the weekend off, a very dear friend of mine found me on facebook.

I think this weekend was to quote my dear Chel, "a gift from the universe" for the past year and the crazy rollercoaster ride that it's been.

Peace and love to you all,

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