Thursday, December 3, 2009

Back in the saddle again...

Well, I'm legal again. The path to getting there was a little bit of adventure, but so worth it.

I slept in, because Sec of State doesn't open until 9, which blows by the way, my bank is open earlier than them. At any rate, I buzzed down and grabbed cash from the ATM since they don't take credit cards, which is another balls thing, and headed out to Mason.

There were a couple people ahead of me so I wasn't in for a long wait at all, awesome. I came armed with my renewal slips for my tags and my license and a pocket of cash to pay for it all. When the lady called my number, I marched up there and laid it all out for her. "I've got three things to take care of. Get my license reinstated, renewed, and renew my tags." Easy enough, huh? Wrong! First thing she asked me for was my license. Uhhhhh. The cops took it. I explained that and she pretty much said sorry, you have to prove who you are. Apparently your social security card isn't good enough to prove who you are, or bank cards, or anything you might carry in your wallet for that matter. She explained nicely that someone could've stolen my wallet and used those things to get a license in my name. Fine, alright, I get it. I'm going to have to come back with something to prove who I am. She rattled off a list of things that would work: birth certificate, high school diploma, college diploma, Sam's Club card... whoa, wait a second. Did she just say Sam's Club card? Yeah, apparently you have to show your license to get one, and with the photo on it, it's legal tender in getting yourself a new license. Well, I don't have one of those, and nothing else. I get a return pass and head home to dig through some boxes in hopes that I didn't throw away my old license... BUT, I did get the tags renewed, so one part of my mission was successful.

Mind you, I'm driving without a license.

So I go home, dredge Chel out of bed, and realize that I cannot find anything. Call my dad in hopes he would be home and he could maybe bring my birth certificate and high school diploma to me so I wouldn't have to drive (illegally) out to Bath to get them myself. No dice. Sooooo, Chel and I hop in the van and head out to my parents house where I keep those important documents. I don't know why I still keep them there, probably because I'm afraid something will happen to them if I have them.

Grab the birth certificate and high school diploma and head back to Mason. Thank you return pass because there were a few people there at this time. After getting sent to fill out the damn application, I head back up and commence the relegalization of myself. Showed the lady the certificate and diploma. She asked when I graduated, 1990, if you didn't know, and she replied that I had graduated with her youngest. I was like, oh? who? Shannon Kanouse. I laughed politely and asked how he was doing, all the while in my mind thinking of how much I hated him in school. But I'm not going to say that to his mother of all people. She filled out all the paperwork and took my money and sent me down the line to get my new photo taken. So, my new license photo is me with my mohawk and my Murphy's Law t-shirt on. I feel so special.

But at the end of the day, I'm legal again and Chel can go back to being a passenger - which she prefers very much more than being a driver. LOL

Two days until my birthday, I'm pretty excited because I finally get to see one of the bands I grew up listening to: DRI with some friends at Blondie's in Detroit. Tomorrow night we're going to celebrate my birthday at our favorite watering hole, the B&I. Hopefully it'll be a great time.

So, that was my adventure for the day, fun huh?

Until next time, sinners...

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