Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spring! And all the chaos it brings!

Hello sinners,

Sorry it's been a while since I posted anything. Life has been taking one of its chaotic and sometimes crazy turns. I won't bore you with the details, but lets just hope we've got the hospital visits out of the way for 2010, k 2010 can we agree to that?

Not a whole lot to say this time around, other than spring is rearing its ugly head and while I'm very happy about not having to endure cold and snow anymore, I'm definitely not happy about the chaos that spring brings.

For example, people have been cooped up in their caves all winter and we all know what that means -- cabin fever. When spring hits, its just about the time your brain is about to snap from all the bundling up (mentally and physically) and weird shit happens. I'm not sure what's going on with 2010, but it feels like a whole big dose of crazysauce got injected in the world.

Like friends just suddenly not being friends with you anymore, for no reason whatsoever. When you haven't said a word or do anything to provoke them. I'm not sure what the hell happened there, but I'm not going to stress about it. Perhaps, there is a greater reason why things like this happen. I know it sounds kind of hokey, but I'm a big subscriber to the whole things happen for a reason thing. I know there's a lot of people who claim bullshit and shananigans on that, which is all well and good, but I have my reasons. You may not see them for a long time, or never know why things happen, but there's still a reason.

That being said, I think this year is going to be interesting from the standpoint is that 20 years ago this year, I graduated from high school. All sorts of people that I went to high school with are starting to appear, friending me on facebook. They don't really say anything to me, which totally reminds me of high school. A great majority of the 385 people that I graduated with I never really talked to. I knew them all at least by name and face and had talked to them at one point or another over the time we were together in high school, but that's really the only conenction.

I am going to attend my 20 year reunion, I really don't know why. I don't feel a connection to any of these people or the high school that I attended. Honestly, I hated high school. It was a big horse and pony show and I couldn't wait to graduate. There are a couple people that I still talk to and hang out with occasionally, but they have always been good friends to me. I think I just want to go to wear my mohawk up and get people talking. I really can't think of any other reason at this point.

Time to sign off for now, sinners.